Monday 14 June 2021

Week 10- Reflections towards the end of the task. THE FINAL !

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ’œ

Today's blog is supposed to be my last posting as this is my last task for this course EDU456😒 But as I mention before, I really love writing and who knows when the semester break maybe I will continue blogging? I hope so (heheheh)πŸ˜†

    πŸ’™First and foremost, if I can describe in one word about this course is, it will be FANTASTIC! At first, I thought that this course, EDU456 will be the same as last semester which we learned about history on how education was established, who is the philosopher of education, and so on around that circle but then my perception was wrong! After I entered the first class with my lovely lecturer Dr. Norazah, she explained a rough view of this course and that is where my love in this course started and it still blooming until now. Honestly, I felt so lucky to be given this opportunity to learn this course as for me it is very diverse in many aspects. Overall I like almost everything in this course especially when I get the opportunity to learn various sorts of new technological approaches every week throughout the semester. What I can say is, it was so fun during the learning and teaching process despite the bad internet connection that I'm having sometimes, I'm still enjoying the learning sessions because that the thing I need to face and I believe with the quote "there will be sunshine after the rain". So I will keep going as long as I have the passion. The best part also is that I have been exposed to many new educational tools, and it is blessed because I am improving my hard skills and preparing myself to be an educator soon. It is what we call 2 in 1πŸ˜†. I'm so blessed! 

    πŸ’›Furthermore, I'm happy to share things I learn from the previous lesson, such as using prided he features in Powerpoint, making a creative slide presentation, making a better presentation using Prezi, and making an animation many more. As a student and future educator soon, I realize that what I have learned so far is somehow very related to our daily life such as ADDIE, a framework that many people use such as lecturers, to teach their students based on analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Based on ADDIE, I learn that before start doing something, we need to make a plan first as this is the hardest part but need to understand that it is not about perfection but it's all about how we make a good plan to ensure all the detail not missing out and we achieve what needed. In short, I like so many parts, but some areas can be improved and I don't really sure what it is, but I do think something is missing, maybe it is the participation of the student in class? I'm sorry, I just give my point of view and really don't know what other area can be improved or maybe because I'm enjoying the learning sessions so much then I don't really notice which part is missing out 😜 Other than that of course, I want to feel how the face-to-face learning is. I hope I will have the chance to feel the 'real' university vibes.

    πŸ’•My honest opinion on the integration of technology in education is, it really helps to enhance the student learning experience. It did utilize different types of technology in the classroom include a virtual classroom and it did create learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. This implementation and integration of technology create pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students in education. The use of technological devices is explored to create meaningful learning experiences for all students of all ages. In short, the integration of technology in education really helps to ensure a better future of education in Malaysia. xoxo-fatin BYE

Sunday 13 June 2021

Week 9- Flipped classroom that I like.

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘€

    πŸ’˜So today I want to share about a flipped classroom that I like which is Google Meet. 

I found google meet to be very convenient to use as its offers virtual learning but still securely connects, collaborate, and celebrates from everywhere. With Google Meet, everyone can safely create and join high-quality videos for groups of up to 250 people. It has many features that I love which are easy to access on any device. All we need to do is share a link and invite members to join our conversation, discussion, or whatsoever with one click from a web browser or Google Meet app. For me, it's super-duper easy and very useful as a flipped classroom. The best part is, Google Meet can be recorded, so lecturers can record the teaching and learning sessions. So, students like me can watch the recorded video anytime I preferred. I called it Internet-connection-friendly because if I'm having a bad internet connection, I can watch the recorded video that my lecturer has provided. But what needs to note is, the term Internet-connection-friendly only can be used for recorded video because if my line coverage was bad during the class sessions, it's quite stressful because I can't even enter the Google Meet as it required quite a lot of data. After Covid-19 spread in 2019, students are required to further their studies in online mode which is Online Distance Learning(ODL) and until now in order to ensure everyone is not exposed to the virus Covid-19. The point here is, thankfully we had Google Meet because we still can meet each other even its is virtual but still we can meet and greet everyone in the class. Honestly, I don't know why but I love online learning just because of these features which I can study after class again by watching the recorded video, played and paused until I understand the topic despite the bad internet connection, these features really help me a lot. 


Wednesday 9 June 2021

Week 8- Presentation tools.

Hi there! πŸ‘‹❤

Welcome back! Today I would like to share about presentation tools. There are many presentation tools students nowadays can use and I would like to share about Prezi and compare it to Canva. 

    Prezi is one of the amazing presentation tools I have ever know! It's full of advanced features compare to other presentation tools. Prezi has so many features that many other presentation tools do not offer. Prezi is a visual storytelling medium with presentation tools for conversational presentations. Meanwhile, Canva is a graphic and video editing tool for creating and publishing materials, presentations, and social media content. Prezi is easy to build for an impressive presentation and easily catches the attention with prebuild transitions meanwhile Canva is easy to use compare to Prezi as there are many free templates for creating great advertising and marketing material. 

    Next, the orientation of Prezi actually can get confusing with all the zooming in and out but Prezi is a good presentation tool because it offers nice infographics and interactive charts, live analytics, screen sharing, and many more features. When you need to do a presentation like storytelling, Prezi is the best app to use as it offers nice zoom and out. Prezi is a good app to use in teaching and learning as it is not boring and students love to see a rare thing despite always using Powerpoint. Canva also is a good app but these two apps are different functions actually, as I mention above, Canva is the best to use in editing. Prezi is nice presentation tool as when you are in Google Meet, for example, you can join directly from Prezi!! Daebak! you can be presenting and show whatever you want to show on the screen!! nice right?! 


Tuesday 18 May 2021

Week 7 -About my life (my ambition)

 Hi there! πŸ™‹ We meet again πŸ’Ÿ

So today's blog I want to tell a story about my life as my lecturer said I can write anything I want for this week. 

    First of all, I'm sorry if my life story is not as interesting as yours but this is the life I'm living. Since a kid, I have had a dream, dream that some lucky day my dreams will come true. I dream of living a happy life every time, but sometimes things do not always go like we want. For me, it always goes vice versa. When I was a kid, I dream to be a Doctor or Surgeon because I really love helps people especially people in need. It started when I saw people in Palestine suffering on television since I was a kid. It really touched my inner heart to become a Doctor and help them. Some people said you don't need a Doctor to help them but you can be a millionaire to help them by providing them food and so on. So what I think about this is, I want to use all my body parts in Malay we said "tulang empat kerat"  to help them. That is my perception about dreaming to be a Doctor.

     Not to forget since I was 7 y/o I think, I help my mom taking care of my grandmother who was a cancer survivor and my mom always praised me because I look like I'm pro at cleaning up the feces, put some medicine powder on it and so on. for me when I grow up definitely when my grandmother passed away πŸ˜“ I was impressed in myself yeah 7 years old girl until I was like 10y/o maybe I'm doing that. so yeah I actually really love doing that no force, I willingly love to help, also I was sad looking at her crying every day in front of me and looking at my mother also do not know how to help because pain cant is share obviouslyπŸ˜“ Starting from that also, I want to be a Doctor because I enjoying doing that and of course because I do not want another people to face the same thing like my late grandmother had. But yeah sometimes what we want is not good for us. I just follow the path that Allah put me on now. 

    When I become older, I can't deny the facts that I love speaking and giving a lecture. In primary and secondary school, I always take part in public speaking, debate because I really love arguing with people about facts, giving them a lecture. So when I thought about this, I was like, I want to be a lawyer because I love to protect my stand if I know it is right and I also like to protect other people if they are rights. My parents are really against me on this πŸ˜† also, my other family member like my aunty always remind me do not become a lawyer. I don't know why, but it makes sense because many lawyers died because have been killed. Yeah, I'm scared about that too. And I know that was my mom's biggest fear and me too! Then I know why my mom is really against me on this because she knows, I'm going to be a top lawyer soon if I really become a lawyer definitely many people try to bring me down. On top of that, I agree with them for the sake of my safety, and actually, I am doubting myself if I enter this profession because I easy to cry if someone scream or yelling or something like talking to me on a high note πŸ˜‚so starting here, I try to explore what my heart really wants, specifically what my SITUATION want, not what I like.  

    When I started exploring myself and follow my heart, I realized, I really want to be respected, I love attention, I love selling, promoting, teaching others, styling, being a leader, and many more positive things. So every time when I teach my friends and my little brother, I realize my potential and the ability that I have I can be an educator soon and that's why I'm taking a degree in education now, hoping to be a lecturer soon.

Week 6 -Lesson plan

 Lesson Plan EDU 456  (Chapter 3: Viruses)

Hi there! This lesson plan is what I and my groupmate applied to what we learned from the previous class.

I personally learned and am blessed as I can apply how to make a better lesson plan for my other subject as an education student. 

Who the learners

Science students under program education of biology in Puncak Alam, Selangor.


  1. To describe the history of virus discovery.

  2. Contrast the characteristic of a virus as compared to a living cell

  3. Understand the origin of the virus

  4. Explain virus components and shape.

  5. Characterize a bacteriophage

  6. Contrast bacteriophage lytic and lysogenic life cycle

  7. Describe the life cycle of an enveloped DNA and RNA virus.

  8. State the characteristic of viroids and prions.

Course content

  1. Started the lesson by describing to students the history of virus discovery 

  1. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek pioneering work in microscopy then contributes to the discovery of the virus

  2. Louis Pasteur discovered the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization

  1. Teach students to contrast the character of the virus as compared to a living cell 

  1. Viruses do not think like an animal, viruses are passive agents

  2. For non-life viruses cannot move and reproduce on their own, for life, they could only reproduce within living cells that they infect. 

  1. In the lesson, explain the origin of the virus to students 

  1. viruses are bits of nucleic acid that ‘escaped’ from cellular organisms and some traces are from animal cells, plant cells, and bacterial cells.

  1. Make a clear explanation to students about virus component and shape by giving the example

  1. virus consist only, nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), protein coat functions in protecting the genetic material, outer envelope that encloses the coat

  2. Virus shape can be based on the capsid, helical, polyhedral, having structures like tail

  3. Most enveloped virus have spherical shape e.g. influenza virus 

  1. Through the lesson, the teacher also will teach about characterize a bacteriophage:

  1. Method of replication

  2. Genome types (DNA or RNA)

  1. The teacher explained the comparisons of the bacteriophage replication method between the bacteriophage lytic cycle and the lysogenic life cycle.

  1. Bacteriophage lytic cycle occurs by destroying the host cells. The host cells will undergo lysis and this is a rapid process.

  2. The bacteriophage lysogenic cycle is where the viral genome usually becomes integrated into the host cells.

  1. The teacher describes and explains the life cycle of an enveloped DNA and RNA virus.

  1. The life cycle of an enveloped DNA

  1. After entering the cell, the viral DNA uses host nucleotides and enzymes to replicate itself

  2. Viral DNA use other host resources to produce its capsid proteins by transcription and translation

  3. New viral DNA and capsid protein assembled into new virus particle that leaves the cell

  1. The life cycle of an enveloped RNA

  1. Glycoproteins bind to a specific receptor on the surface of the host cell

  2. Capsid and the viral genome enter the cell

  3. The capsid is removed by the cellular enzyme

  4. Viral genome act as a template for making complementary RNA strands which have functions

  5. The viral genome serves as mRNA which will be translated into both glycoprotein and capsid protein for the viral envelope

  6. Vesicles transport the glycoproteins to the plasma membrane.

  7. A capsid assembled around each viral genome molecule

  1. Teacher states and mentions several characteristics of viroids and prions.

  1. Characteristics of viroids

  1. smaller than viruses

  2. Absent of protein coats

  1. Characteristics of prions

  1. Infectious particles made of protein 

  2. Cause neurological degenerative diseases

Method of instruction

Active & Interactive learning

  1. Encourage students to participate in the meeting

  1. The link to enter the meeting will be given through WhatsApp.

  2. Take online attendance to make sure all the students are present.

  1. Use the online platform to hold a meeting such as Google Meet

  2. Use questions to get the students’ responses and discussions

  3. Utilize online quizzes or game-based learning to test students’ understanding

  1. Students will be asked to get ready for answering short quizzes through Kahoot! after the lesson is done.

  2. Game pin to enter the Kahoot! will be given to the students through the comment section in Google Meet

  3. The game will start in about 15 minutes and students have to answer all 30 questions regarding the lesson before.

  1. After the game ends, students will discuss the answers together.

  1. Explain why it is right or wrong

  1. Recap the whole lesson to make sure students can follow the class


Google meet

  • Google Meet is a video communication service that can be used by teachers and students to have a learning session that replaces face-to-face learning.

  • Utilize interesting teaching materials to attract students’ attention

  1. Make use of fascinating slides and notes

  2. Provide videos based on the topic so the student can visualize how it works

  • Make students perform in groups 

  1. Give a simple task for them to work on

  2. Help the students exchange observation


  • Kahoot! Is a game-based learning platform that engages the students to have fun while learning.

  • Make it easy to create fun learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes, anytime and anywhere.

  • It works for any subject, in any language, on any device.

  • Make the learning or quiz section become interesting and engaging with its awesome interface



  •  Students will be evaluated through the result of  Kahoot! After answering all the questions.

  • The feedback will be given to the students to allow them to recognize the mistakes and improvise for their upcoming assessments (the most wrong answers by students will be explained in the next lesson)

Week 5- Review an innovative technological tool for education (Google Classroom).

Hi there!πŸ‘‹πŸ‘„

    πŸ’˜So for this time, I want to review an innovative technological tool for education which is google classroom. 

    From my point of view, google classroom enables students to access the document easily as the teachers can send the learning material before and after the class. This makes the classroom more interactive because the student can review all the learning material before the class begin and can easily study back if they missed up with any topic. The best part of these features is, they enable students to learn at their own pace. As now is an online learning and more to student-centered compare to before this more to teacher-centered. Every student can have their own time to study at their own pace as Google Classroom can be accessed anytime and doesn't need big data to access. Another best part is documented in Google Documents are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive's apps such as Google Docs. The only thing that separates Google Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher and student interface which is designed for students and teachers to work and think. I love this feature in Google classroom where teacher and student can still interact even not meet in the virtual. 

    Google Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect inside and outside of schools. Classroom saves time and paper and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized. Furthermore, Classroom is easy for teachers which just required few minutes to set up and add their students directly or share a code with their class to join. This really saves time as simple as that and allows teachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, all in one place as it is paperless. Classroom improves the organization as students can view their assignment on the assignment page and all class material is automatically filed into folders in Google Drive. 

    As I mentioned above, Google Classroom really benefits teachers and students in teaching and learning. Next, let's take a look at how to use Google Classroom for the beginner.  For first-time users, don't worry as I will guide you on how to step up.

    First, go to then click the button "+" in the top right to create your first class and next you can add information about your class such as the name of your class. After that, students can start joining it. As for students, you need to enter the class code to join it. Here an example of where the code is. 

Create and share a class code in Google Classroom

So after your class is set up and students join, you have a fully functioning Google Classroom. Congratulations! 

This is where you can make an announcement for your students. 
Add an announcement to Google Classroom
As for students, it is easy as you just open the Google Classroom to see what your teacher prepares for you. 

See ya! xoxo-Fatin

week 4-Here a simple animation video that I created after apply what I have learned from my previous lesson on how to make animation video and I also state why this movie character captured my attention. Then I also state why animation can help with students’ learning engagement.

 Hi there! πŸ‘‹ I want to share my experience doing this animation video which I already fall in love with making animation video and do watch my favorite animation movie character below (don't be surprised) 😁

Honestly, I thought it was difficult because I needed to make a video, but just right after watching the video my lecturer provided, my perception was totally wrong! It's super-duper easy actually to make an animation video. Well, we just need the perfect guidance and perfect example then everything is easy.

    πŸ’˜First and foremost, I think animation really can help with students’ learning engagement because who is going to reject fun learning right? That's why every teacher always tries to make their learning session looks interesting. For me as a student, animation makes learning engagement more interesting and relax but at the same time student still on track with what they are learning. The animation helps me better understand some topics rather than just reading and remembering all the points. Furthermore, videos create a more engaging sensory experience than using print materials alone. Students actually get to see and hear the concept being taught, and they can process it in the same way they process their everyday interactions. The other reason why I think animation can help with students’ learning engagement is that videos are accessible on a multitude of devices including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This allows for viewing at the student's convenience and from wherever they are

πŸ’˜    Next, I would like to express my feeling about why I like "Frozen" movies. I'm even not embarrassed to say it, to admit it, because I bet even the cold-hearted person can have a Disney side. For me, Frozen is one of my favorite animated films, but it's one of my favorite films of all time. Here, my favorite character in this movie is...... (drum) πŸ₯πŸ₯ Olaf! I love Olaf so much because the character itself is very different if compared to the other Disney character. From the first time I saw this titular snowman in the film, I became instantly intrigued and fascinated by him. I found him to be charming, funny, and especially entertaining. So today we are paying tribute to Olaf and analyze what makes him so awesome.  Olaf is a very kind-natured, innocent, and naive snowman whose only dream is to experience Summer (completely unaware of the fact that he will melt in the heat). hahaha, that's so cute. There is one scene when Olaf agrees to take the others to Elsa’s ice palace.  Even though he was told not to enter the palace by Anna, Olaf can’t help himself and rushes in to meet his creator. This scene makes me emotional as Olaf has the feeling to meet his creator. I mean he just a snowman how can he have that human feeling. Even though, Elsa comes off as cold-hearted (no pun intended) and a little hostile, Olaf is beyond excited to meet his creator, and she is even more surprised to learn that he is alive. Despite being tossed out, by Elsa’s evil snow henchman, Olaf is still delighted to have met her and hopes to see her again. In short, Olaf is such a good character, he shows a strong spirit that he aware of the consequences he might get, but still intended to get what he wants. Also, I really love snow as I never experience snow and I always dream to build a snowman. That is why I really love Olaf's character it reminds me to always work hard to get the chance to experience snow. So, are you gonna fight me if I say I love Olaf? Totally no right? hahaha, I knew it. 

See ya! xoxo-Fatin

Sunday 25 April 2021

Week 3- Describing grammar checking tools (Grammarly & Google Docs).

Hi there!πŸ‘‹ 
So today I'm gonna write about two grammar checking tools

    πŸ’˜The first tool is Grammarly. This application is very good for aid teaching and learning. 

    This grammar checking tool is like a writing assistant that offers me specific suggestions to help improve my writing. Based on my experience, from grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps me eliminate writing errors and find the perfect words to express myself. Furthermore, while using this grammar checker, I can be confident that my writing is not only correct but clear and concise too.  The features of this tool are so amazing like what I can say is, it is a free grammar check you can rely on. It scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond. This online checker has the best features after all, such as it fixes tricky spelling errors, eliminates grammar errors, punctuation errors, and many more. It is more than a grammar checker, it can be a lifesaver too.
    This tool can be accessed for free as it is a free online grammar checker. It already helps millions of people with their writing. The first step to use the tool is, to sign up first with our email account, and (tadaaaa) it's ready to use. You can use it anytime, anywhere like in Google Docs or any writing website because it is free. Despite the free grammar checker, if we want to use advanced features from this checker, we need to buy a premium one. From my point of view, it's quite expensive for a student to buy a premium account but I have a suggestion which students can share money with their friends to buy a premium one. I am just a newbie for this writing assistant and I have a lot more to be explored. I really hope I can have a premium account soon! 

    πŸ’˜Next, the grammar checking tool that I always use is Google Document or Google Docs

    This tool also makes my life easier as it offers grammar and spelling suggestions. Once spelling and grammar check options have been enabled for a document, the system will display the red or blue line indicators within a Google Doc. It's a good grammar checking assistant as when a word in the document doesn't correspond with any dictionary word, it may be flagged. The features of this grammar assistant are good as the features automatically fixed as we typed or manually make or accept changes suggested by the program. The best part is it's free! It doesn't have paid version. We literally can use the google document every time we want as it automatically checks the grammar and spelling but it's limited as it doesn't cover the advanced grammar. Step to use this app is you just need to sign up for an account and there you go!  

    πŸ’˜Here is my last writing, I choose which tools better. For me, Grammarly is better compared to Google Document. As I mentioned before, Google Document only cover the basic grammar and spelling, but Grammarly did cover on advanced features which occupied everyone needed such as student, lecturer and in short, its everyone needed. The best part is, even we using google Documents still Grammarly can be used while using google Documents as Grammarly like a third-party site. For instance, we can add an extension to Chromebook. 

Thursday 8 April 2021

Week 2 -Describe a tool based on ADDIE (How to use presentation for a rookie).

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ’œ

    πŸ’šToday's I will write about one tool based on the ADDIEpart but I will touch only the 'A' part as this is the task for this time. First and foremost let me share with you guys what ADDIE stands for. A for Analysis, D for Design, D for Development, I for Implementation, and E for Evaluation. I'm gonna describe PowerPoint. What is Powerpoint? Below is what it looks like. 

PowerPoint is the presentation software and one of the Microsoft tools in the Microsoft Office Suite. It has long been the most sought out software for creating presentations in both business and education. It is a downloadable desktop app for Microsoft PowerPoint that works seamlessly on both Mac OS and PC with Windows. Now, let's talk about how to use this tool, firstly, you can download it on your phone or use the laptop for better viewing via the play store or apple store. 

πŸ’–The first step after you download is the same as other apps, you need to sign up first before being able to use it. So here I would like to suggest that you can sign up by using your student university email so that you can enjoy many features there in the future. That's why I recommend all of you to use PowerPoint instead of another presentation tool because it's free. Remember my tips, if any tools need to be paid for first use, you can sign up by student email so that you can use all the features with no limit. I will explain to you step-by-step how to use this tool.

So we are going to focus on working inside of PowerPoint to build a presentation. In this tutorial, we're going to focus on working inside of PowerPoint to build a presentation. So I'm going to provide you everything you need to get comfortable with the app. To master the app, we'll talk about the most common steps a rookie PowerPoint user needs to know.

Here are the key actions you'll need to take to build a PowerPoint presentation:

  • You'll need to add slides, the individual pages in the presentation.

  • You'll add content to the slides, such as text boxes, images, charts, and graphs.

  • Change themes and styles to make your presentation look professional and fit the occasion at hand.

We'll cover each of these in this PowerPoint tutorial so that you can get up and running quickly. 

Getting up to speed with PowerPoint helps to understand the layout of the app. Let's walk through the key menu options so that you can learn PowerPoint quickly. If you understand the way that the app is laid out, you're likely to find any feature you need quickly.

PowerPoint Ribbon screenshot example

πŸ’˜The first is the ribbon menu. It contains a series of tabs that you can switch between. You'll see new buttons and options to change your presentation which is a file for saving your presentation, home for a general-purpose, insert for add every image or video, design for control the looks and feel your presentation with theme and style, transitions for adding animations, animations for control the order and style the objects, and slide show control the way your presentation appears. Now that you understand the layout, you have a better idea of how you can jump to the feature you need. 

Now we have tackled the interface of PowerPoint and next is how to add slides. I will explain as simply as possible to ensure the rookie can understand easily.

☝Firstly go to the Insert tab then click on the New Slide button to add a new slide to your presentation.

New Slide Added

✌The second step is how to add content. Click the Home button, simply choose Layout and then start adding your content

PowerPoint layouts

πŸ‘‰ Thirdly choose a Theme and Style. Jump over to the Design tab, and click on one of the thumbnails for a theme. Using a PowerPoint theme is the preferred alternative to adding backgrounds, color, and typestyles to each slide. 

PowerPoint theme dropdown

By using these three steps, you've got the repeatable sequence of actions needed to build a presentation. I hope these simple steps help the beginner. 

πŸ’˜    I love to share that PowerPoint is a great tool for aid teaching and learning.  Students can use PowerPoint easily as it is widespread use. As I have taught you guys above how to use it, pretty much everyone knows how to use, open, and view so students can use it for their presentations and the same goes for the teachers. Then, it is easy to distribute and share with team members and collaborators. Also, this app is good for aid teaching and learning because of the rich features for using multimedia in presentations. You can add video, audio, voice-over, and animations to keep viewers interested and engaged. These features help add a good dose of visual impact to presentations. 

With the new norm in education, we need to adopt these past few months, PowerPoint has helped many people out there for their work including teachers, students and no one gonna deny that. For both teachers and students, they need to make creative templates so here it is. PowerPoint has been the long-standing favorite in presentation makers, there are templates for every style and purpose. In short, PowerPoint does good learning and teaching aid. In fact, PowerPoint is a good app to ensure students keep entertained even doing assignments or study a new chapter. Shout out to the teachers out there who keep on finding a way to make their students entertain at the same time learning. Let's fight together! That’s all from me. See ya! xoxo-Fatin

Week 10- Reflections towards the end of the task. THE FINAL !

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ’œ Today's blog is supposed to be my last posting as this is my last task for this course EDU456😒 But as I mention before, ...