Tuesday 18 May 2021

Week 6 -Lesson plan

 Lesson Plan EDU 456  (Chapter 3: Viruses)

Hi there! This lesson plan is what I and my groupmate applied to what we learned from the previous class.

I personally learned and am blessed as I can apply how to make a better lesson plan for my other subject as an education student. 

Who the learners

Science students under program education of biology in Puncak Alam, Selangor.


  1. To describe the history of virus discovery.

  2. Contrast the characteristic of a virus as compared to a living cell

  3. Understand the origin of the virus

  4. Explain virus components and shape.

  5. Characterize a bacteriophage

  6. Contrast bacteriophage lytic and lysogenic life cycle

  7. Describe the life cycle of an enveloped DNA and RNA virus.

  8. State the characteristic of viroids and prions.

Course content

  1. Started the lesson by describing to students the history of virus discovery 

  1. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek pioneering work in microscopy then contributes to the discovery of the virus

  2. Louis Pasteur discovered the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization

  1. Teach students to contrast the character of the virus as compared to a living cell 

  1. Viruses do not think like an animal, viruses are passive agents

  2. For non-life viruses cannot move and reproduce on their own, for life, they could only reproduce within living cells that they infect. 

  1. In the lesson, explain the origin of the virus to students 

  1. viruses are bits of nucleic acid that ‘escaped’ from cellular organisms and some traces are from animal cells, plant cells, and bacterial cells.

  1. Make a clear explanation to students about virus component and shape by giving the example

  1. virus consist only, nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), protein coat functions in protecting the genetic material, outer envelope that encloses the coat

  2. Virus shape can be based on the capsid, helical, polyhedral, having structures like tail

  3. Most enveloped virus have spherical shape e.g. influenza virus 

  1. Through the lesson, the teacher also will teach about characterize a bacteriophage:

  1. Method of replication

  2. Genome types (DNA or RNA)

  1. The teacher explained the comparisons of the bacteriophage replication method between the bacteriophage lytic cycle and the lysogenic life cycle.

  1. Bacteriophage lytic cycle occurs by destroying the host cells. The host cells will undergo lysis and this is a rapid process.

  2. The bacteriophage lysogenic cycle is where the viral genome usually becomes integrated into the host cells.

  1. The teacher describes and explains the life cycle of an enveloped DNA and RNA virus.

  1. The life cycle of an enveloped DNA

  1. After entering the cell, the viral DNA uses host nucleotides and enzymes to replicate itself

  2. Viral DNA use other host resources to produce its capsid proteins by transcription and translation

  3. New viral DNA and capsid protein assembled into new virus particle that leaves the cell

  1. The life cycle of an enveloped RNA

  1. Glycoproteins bind to a specific receptor on the surface of the host cell

  2. Capsid and the viral genome enter the cell

  3. The capsid is removed by the cellular enzyme

  4. Viral genome act as a template for making complementary RNA strands which have functions

  5. The viral genome serves as mRNA which will be translated into both glycoprotein and capsid protein for the viral envelope

  6. Vesicles transport the glycoproteins to the plasma membrane.

  7. A capsid assembled around each viral genome molecule

  1. Teacher states and mentions several characteristics of viroids and prions.

  1. Characteristics of viroids

  1. smaller than viruses

  2. Absent of protein coats

  1. Characteristics of prions

  1. Infectious particles made of protein 

  2. Cause neurological degenerative diseases

Method of instruction

Active & Interactive learning

  1. Encourage students to participate in the meeting

  1. The link to enter the meeting will be given through WhatsApp.

  2. Take online attendance to make sure all the students are present.

  1. Use the online platform to hold a meeting such as Google Meet

  2. Use questions to get the students’ responses and discussions

  3. Utilize online quizzes or game-based learning to test students’ understanding

  1. Students will be asked to get ready for answering short quizzes through Kahoot! after the lesson is done.

  2. Game pin to enter the Kahoot! will be given to the students through the comment section in Google Meet

  3. The game will start in about 15 minutes and students have to answer all 30 questions regarding the lesson before.

  1. After the game ends, students will discuss the answers together.

  1. Explain why it is right or wrong

  1. Recap the whole lesson to make sure students can follow the class


Google meet

  • Google Meet is a video communication service that can be used by teachers and students to have a learning session that replaces face-to-face learning.

  • Utilize interesting teaching materials to attract students’ attention

  1. Make use of fascinating slides and notes

  2. Provide videos based on the topic so the student can visualize how it works

  • Make students perform in groups 

  1. Give a simple task for them to work on

  2. Help the students exchange observation


  • Kahoot! Is a game-based learning platform that engages the students to have fun while learning.

  • Make it easy to create fun learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes, anytime and anywhere.

  • It works for any subject, in any language, on any device.

  • Make the learning or quiz section become interesting and engaging with its awesome interface



  •  Students will be evaluated through the result of  Kahoot! After answering all the questions.

  • The feedback will be given to the students to allow them to recognize the mistakes and improvise for their upcoming assessments (the most wrong answers by students will be explained in the next lesson)

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