Monday 14 June 2021

Week 10- Reflections towards the end of the task. THE FINAL !

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ’œ

Today's blog is supposed to be my last posting as this is my last task for this course EDU456😒 But as I mention before, I really love writing and who knows when the semester break maybe I will continue blogging? I hope so (heheheh)πŸ˜†

    πŸ’™First and foremost, if I can describe in one word about this course is, it will be FANTASTIC! At first, I thought that this course, EDU456 will be the same as last semester which we learned about history on how education was established, who is the philosopher of education, and so on around that circle but then my perception was wrong! After I entered the first class with my lovely lecturer Dr. Norazah, she explained a rough view of this course and that is where my love in this course started and it still blooming until now. Honestly, I felt so lucky to be given this opportunity to learn this course as for me it is very diverse in many aspects. Overall I like almost everything in this course especially when I get the opportunity to learn various sorts of new technological approaches every week throughout the semester. What I can say is, it was so fun during the learning and teaching process despite the bad internet connection that I'm having sometimes, I'm still enjoying the learning sessions because that the thing I need to face and I believe with the quote "there will be sunshine after the rain". So I will keep going as long as I have the passion. The best part also is that I have been exposed to many new educational tools, and it is blessed because I am improving my hard skills and preparing myself to be an educator soon. It is what we call 2 in 1πŸ˜†. I'm so blessed! 

    πŸ’›Furthermore, I'm happy to share things I learn from the previous lesson, such as using prided he features in Powerpoint, making a creative slide presentation, making a better presentation using Prezi, and making an animation many more. As a student and future educator soon, I realize that what I have learned so far is somehow very related to our daily life such as ADDIE, a framework that many people use such as lecturers, to teach their students based on analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Based on ADDIE, I learn that before start doing something, we need to make a plan first as this is the hardest part but need to understand that it is not about perfection but it's all about how we make a good plan to ensure all the detail not missing out and we achieve what needed. In short, I like so many parts, but some areas can be improved and I don't really sure what it is, but I do think something is missing, maybe it is the participation of the student in class? I'm sorry, I just give my point of view and really don't know what other area can be improved or maybe because I'm enjoying the learning sessions so much then I don't really notice which part is missing out 😜 Other than that of course, I want to feel how the face-to-face learning is. I hope I will have the chance to feel the 'real' university vibes.

    πŸ’•My honest opinion on the integration of technology in education is, it really helps to enhance the student learning experience. It did utilize different types of technology in the classroom include a virtual classroom and it did create learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. This implementation and integration of technology create pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students in education. The use of technological devices is explored to create meaningful learning experiences for all students of all ages. In short, the integration of technology in education really helps to ensure a better future of education in Malaysia. xoxo-fatin BYE

Sunday 13 June 2021

Week 9- Flipped classroom that I like.

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘€

    πŸ’˜So today I want to share about a flipped classroom that I like which is Google Meet. 

I found google meet to be very convenient to use as its offers virtual learning but still securely connects, collaborate, and celebrates from everywhere. With Google Meet, everyone can safely create and join high-quality videos for groups of up to 250 people. It has many features that I love which are easy to access on any device. All we need to do is share a link and invite members to join our conversation, discussion, or whatsoever with one click from a web browser or Google Meet app. For me, it's super-duper easy and very useful as a flipped classroom. The best part is, Google Meet can be recorded, so lecturers can record the teaching and learning sessions. So, students like me can watch the recorded video anytime I preferred. I called it Internet-connection-friendly because if I'm having a bad internet connection, I can watch the recorded video that my lecturer has provided. But what needs to note is, the term Internet-connection-friendly only can be used for recorded video because if my line coverage was bad during the class sessions, it's quite stressful because I can't even enter the Google Meet as it required quite a lot of data. After Covid-19 spread in 2019, students are required to further their studies in online mode which is Online Distance Learning(ODL) and until now in order to ensure everyone is not exposed to the virus Covid-19. The point here is, thankfully we had Google Meet because we still can meet each other even its is virtual but still we can meet and greet everyone in the class. Honestly, I don't know why but I love online learning just because of these features which I can study after class again by watching the recorded video, played and paused until I understand the topic despite the bad internet connection, these features really help me a lot. 


Wednesday 9 June 2021

Week 8- Presentation tools.

Hi there! πŸ‘‹❤

Welcome back! Today I would like to share about presentation tools. There are many presentation tools students nowadays can use and I would like to share about Prezi and compare it to Canva. 

    Prezi is one of the amazing presentation tools I have ever know! It's full of advanced features compare to other presentation tools. Prezi has so many features that many other presentation tools do not offer. Prezi is a visual storytelling medium with presentation tools for conversational presentations. Meanwhile, Canva is a graphic and video editing tool for creating and publishing materials, presentations, and social media content. Prezi is easy to build for an impressive presentation and easily catches the attention with prebuild transitions meanwhile Canva is easy to use compare to Prezi as there are many free templates for creating great advertising and marketing material. 

    Next, the orientation of Prezi actually can get confusing with all the zooming in and out but Prezi is a good presentation tool because it offers nice infographics and interactive charts, live analytics, screen sharing, and many more features. When you need to do a presentation like storytelling, Prezi is the best app to use as it offers nice zoom and out. Prezi is a good app to use in teaching and learning as it is not boring and students love to see a rare thing despite always using Powerpoint. Canva also is a good app but these two apps are different functions actually, as I mention above, Canva is the best to use in editing. Prezi is nice presentation tool as when you are in Google Meet, for example, you can join directly from Prezi!! Daebak! you can be presenting and show whatever you want to show on the screen!! nice right?! 


Week 10- Reflections towards the end of the task. THE FINAL !

Hi there! πŸ‘‹πŸ’œ Today's blog is supposed to be my last posting as this is my last task for this course EDU456😒 But as I mention before, ...